Stress, fatigue, anxiety, crisis… consumers are seeking products/experiences that revitalize the body, boost the mood and remove gloom and dullness. As a remedy against gloom, pomelo fruit is a delight for the senses. With sparkling, refreshing & stimulating effect, festive and colourful aspect, it is vital for anti-gloom attitude!
Phytessence Pink Pomelo EC promotes well-being, free from stress and anxiety! Symbol of freshness and vitality, Phytessence Pink Pomelo EC is designed to activate cell renewal. To fight against dulling aspect and awaken radiance, it is indispensable to provide cell renewal, to remove irregularities and achieve better light reflection. Helping skin regeneration enables the deepest, hence youngest layers to appear at the surface. The smoother and healthier the epidermis is, the more it reflects and interacts with light and the more the skin complexion is radiant.
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