Blue lotus is mainly originated from South Africa. It was discovered more than 160 million years ago. Blue flowers with golden heart opening in the morning and closing at sunset exhaling a delicate and mystical fragrance. This characteristic has made a very important plant in the Egyptian mythology, as it is associated with cults and gods of the sun, to whom she gave birth.
One of the most important plant used during rituals in Ancient Egypt, it is the symbol of the origin of life and the pharaohs. According to the findings in the tombs of the pharaohs, the plant was used as a stimulant, euphoriant and psychotropic. It was prescribed it to maintain good health, improve memory and circulation.
Much of blue lotus’s therapeutic activity is attributed to flavonoids like antioxidant properties.
Flowers are also a good circulation stimulant, a tonic and a pain reliever. It is described as tonic like ginseng, circulation enhancer as ginkgo biloba. They have been used for age related diseases.
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