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Deluxe Hydrating Facial Crème

The Deluxe Hydrating Facial Crème is a rich, decadent lotion that is easily spreadable and leaves a powdery after-feel on the skin. This formulation contains iconic Croda emollients; Crodamol™ OSU, Crodamol™ GTEH, and Crodamol™ GTCC which are light and easy spreading. Supermol™ B is included as a 100% vegan suitable* alternative to lanolin which delivers water retention benefits to help skin feel hydrated and soft. Also vegan-suitable, Natrineo™ CR8 is the PEG-free, 100% bio-based, W/O/W emulsifier included in this formulation, delivering a distinctly light after-feel. This cream contains Crodarom® Banana Flower EC which is derived from a unique flower that contains mucilages, having hydrating and prebiotic virtues that help to protect the skin against external aggressions. Immerse your skin in this exceedingly hydrating facial crème and treat your skin to a sensory dream!
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Silky


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • PEG-free

Consumer benefit

  • Environmental protection / pollution protection
  • Hydrating
  • Moisturising
  • Nourishing


  • USA
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