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Honey Glow Custard

This honey glow custard is the ideal skin care product to start the day. It contains Mel[o]stem™, a natural youth therapy that unifies complexion, while Crystalide™ MBAL, a bio-harmonical peptide, works as a natural highlighter making the skin feel smooth, clear and radiant. The special combination of Amigum™ and SP NatraGem™ S140 NP MBAL allows cold processing and provides an initial cooling feel, while SP Crodamol™ SSA MBAL provides hydration and imparts a light skin feel. Crodarom™ Manuka Honey, perfect for delicate skin, adds a touch of soothing and vitality. The formulation is cold processed and has a natural origin content >95%* according to the ISO 16128-1 and ISO 16128-2 standards. This honey glow custard unifies skin tone and reveals the skin’s inner glow for a radiant look. How to use: Apply a light layer of product, dabbing it in with your fingers. Allow it to dry for a few minutes before applying your make-up.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Soft


  • Hydrogel


  • Opaque


  • Cold process

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-ageing


  • France
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