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Tomato Cream

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This is a moist cream that can be used as a night cream. Despite the high content of Cropure Tomato Seed Oil (15%), there is no persistent stickiness. Arlacel 2121 is approved natural by COSMOS. It can emulsify a wide range and concentrations of oils and has excellent spreading properties. Cropure™ Tomato Seed Oil is a natural triglyceride that provides an emollient effect in cosmetics and whose quality is improved by refining the upcycled raw material using Croda's proprietary refining method UltimoPure technology. Amigel is polysaccharide thickener derived from yeast. The texture provides a very refreshing feel without stickiness and with salt resistance.

Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Milky


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • N/A

Consumer benefit

  • Light


  • Japan
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