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Hair Acidifier Treatment

Balance the pH of your hair to reduce porosity and improve the hair appareance with the Hair Acidifier Treatment. Hair porosity occurs naturally with curly hair due to its inherent hair characteristics and can also be caused or exacerbated by some chemical treatments. Hair colouring or straightening treatments, for example, have a basic pH (i.e. above 7) to allow the cuticles to open and facilitate the treatments’ penetration into the hair cortex. But open cuticles and resulting high porosity can leave the hair rough, dry, frizzy and vulnerable to damage. The Hair Acidifier Treatment contains ingredients to help seal down the cuticles for hair that is shiner and softer, and is more prone to hold the benefits of caring products. Fruitbio™, a complex a acid fruits, helps to smoothe hair cuticles whils Crodarom® Cider Vinegar, rich in organic acids, vitamins and minerals, helps to provide astringent properties. The addition of KeraMatch™ V brings the final touch with strengthening benefit
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Treatments

Phase type

  • Single phase


  • Water


  • Spray, mist & spritz


  • Transparent


  • Mineral oil / petrochemical-free
  • Oil-free

Consumer benefit

  • Conditioning
  • Environmental protection / pollution protection
  • Repair
  • Strengthening
  • Tightening / toning


  • Brazil
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