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Scalp Soothing Conditioner

This Scalp Soothing Conditioner is cleansing oil formulation for scalp to remove sebum from scalp and improve smooth and manageable to hair. To use it, simply apply onto scalp after washing hair with tap water, then massage it by finger before shampoo. SILVERFREE™ is used as an anti-grey hair agent providing to help visibly reduce the density of white hair and recover the original hair colour pigmented. Cromollient™ SCE is used as a Scalp Soothing Agent in this formulation to provide soothing effect to scalp and smooth feel to scalp and hair when rinsing with tap water. CropureTM Grapeseed and CrodamolTM ISIS are used as emollient in this formulation to keep hair sleek and manageable without leaving a greasy feel. CropureTM Grapeseed provides rich natural fatty acids to repair lipid for hair and offer shine. CithrolTM PGMIS is used as a solubilizer in this formulation that helps to improve compatibility of Arlamol™ HD and Cromollient™ SCE.(JP0341)
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Conditioners - rinse off

Phase type

  • Single phase


  • N/A


  • Oil


  • Transparent


  • N/A

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-ageing
  • Cleansing


  • Japan
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