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Now Wash Me Whipped Facial Cleanser

Despite the short ingredient list, Now Wash Me – Whipped Facial Cleanser is packed full of sensitive-skin friendly ingredients. While Crodasinic™ LS30 is a powerful yet mild anionic surfactant, Crodateric™ CAB 30 provides foam boosting stabilisation with superior rinse-off and after-feel. Our Crodarom® Nordic Cotton, a botanical extract with soothing properties, protects the skin and prevents dehydration. This cream’s calming Fruitliquid™ Cloudberry, a botanical extract from the creeping bramble growing in the peatlands and bog areas of Scandinavia, Siberia and Alaska, is said to have antioxidant properties that counteract deleterious effects of the sun. Our versatile emulsifier based on food-approved ingredients, Versaflex™ V-150, stabilises emulsions of every type of oily material in water. This fragrance-free nourishing whipped facial cleanser is an ideal formulation to start or end your day on cloud-nine.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Cleanser

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Whipped


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Green / sustainable / biobased / natural

Consumer benefit

  • Calming / soothing


  • USA
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