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Elemental Hydrating Hair Mask

This powerful hair mask contains all essential ingredients to address the universal hair concerns and achieve great looking and feel good hair. It contains a powerful conditioning combo of Crodazoquat™ MCC, a highly efficient conditioning agent that enables conditioning on a wide range of hair types, promoting hair health and perceivable sensory benefits in wet and dry hair and Crodazosoft™ DBQ, a conditioning agent for superior hair softness. Cropeptide™ W is a hydrolyzed wheat protein with oligosaccharides that delivers super hydration to the hair and film formation. KeraMatch™ V is a vegan keratin highly substantive to the hair, promotes strength, smoothness, better combability, anti-frizz effect and healthy aspect to the hair. Fruitbio™ is a combination of green tea extract with fruit acids that promote a "peeling" in the hair fiber and help control frizz. Keradyn™ HH is an ingredient that aligns the hair fiber to restore the natural movement of healthy hair.
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Conditioners - rinse off

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • N/A

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-frizz
  • Conditioning
  • Detangling
  • Strengthening


  • Brazil
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