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B.A.S.E. Cream 150

A classic cream chassis formula, to which you may add the actives you need to bring unique benefits to it. Creamy, rich, and bright white, it is a minimalist version of its sister formulas. It combines Viscoptima SE, versatile emulsifier that provides smooth and silky senrsorial, and Arlacel 165, non-ionic emulsifier that gives more opacity to the cream. Arlamol HD and Crodamol GTCC are responsible for its high spreadability, while Crodamol CP and shea butter help impart more emolliency to the cream
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Cost effective

Consumer benefit

  • Hydrating


  • Brazil
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