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Hair Conditioner with SR Crodamol™ DNEO

This Hair Conditioner is a basic formulation composing of a few key ingredients to provide a smooth and rich feel onto the hair. Simply massage onto wet hair, rinse off, towel dry and blow dry after two minutes. SR CrodamolTM DNEO is used as an emollient in this formulation, providing smooth and rich feel onto the hair. CrodazoquatTM MCC and CrodazosoftTM DBQ is used in combination as an emulsifier in this formulation, providing good sensory effect onto both wet and dry hair.(JP0182)
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Treatments

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Silky


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Silicone-free

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-fade (hair colour)
  • Anti-frizz
  • Conditioning
  • Softening


  • Japan
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