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Golden peeling mask

This peeling mask cream offers the combination of Amberstem™ and Fruitbio™ to restore amber and radiant looking skin. Amberstem™ helps to correct skin pigmentation disorders and moisturises the skin to provide an even complexion while Fruitbio™ exfoliates surface cells to smooth and refine skin grain. Moonshine® pigments add a touch of fun to this peeling mask specifically developed for olive undertone skin. The emulsifiers Span™ 60 and Span™ 40 are perfect for acid PH creams and, combined with Crodamol™ ISIS that brings moisturising properties and Crodamol™ STS that offers a silky touch, provide a rich and creamy texture. This formulation could be Halal certified as only Halal approved ingredients are used.Fruitliquid™ Kumquat, a superfruit extract, adds a touch of energy and vitality while Phytolea™ Lemon and its natural vitamin C content acts as an astringent and refreshing agent. This acid pH mask cream will become an essential beauty treatment for olive skin that want to obtain a sun-kissed complexion.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Halal
  • Mineral oil / petrochemical-free
  • Silicone-free

Consumer benefit

  • Exfoliation
  • Moisturising
  • Refining skin grain


  • France
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