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Clean rejuvenating blur

Upon application this water in oil blur with COSMOS approved Měiritage™ creates an instant even complexion by minimising the appearance of dark spots and imperfections. In the long term, this cream reinforces the barrier function and the epidermis, providing the skin with optimal moisturisation and protection against environmental aggressions. Camomile Oil EC™, a COSMOS organic certified plant, brings a calming touch, perfect for inflamed and tired skin. All the ingredients of this green formula are plant based. It also contributes to a sustainable planet as SP Arlacel™ 1690 MBAL and Span™ 80 which use a cold process to preserve energy. These surfactants provide stabilisation in combination with the emollients, Crodamol™ ISIS and Crodamol™ GTCC, which also add moisturisation. Solaveil™ XT-300 is used in this formulation to provide UVA and UVB protection with one single active product. In conformity with the COSMOS natural standard, this clean blur provides a selfie-ready complexion.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • China approved (IECIC)
  • Cold process
  • Green / sustainable / biobased / natural
  • Mineral oil / petrochemical-free
  • Silicone-free

Consumer benefit

  • Age spots
  • Calming / soothing
  • Environmental protection / pollution protection
  • Even tone
  • Moisturising


  • France
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