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Head and Body Baby Wash

This formula offers the perfect combination between conditioning and mild cleansing, due to its sulfate-free system that includes Crodateric™ CAS 50, Incromine™ Oxide C and Crodasinic™ LS30 which provides creamier and richer foam. Non-ionic surfactant Tween™ 28 offers mild and effective cleansing to pamper baby delicate skin. Cromollient™ SCE reduces irritation while Crovol™ A70 enhances skin and hair conditioning. Oat Extract™ EC and Delice™ Extreme hydrates and protect baby skin. Finally with the use of Versathix™ this formulation is effectively thicken to achieve a light honey texture.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Bath / shower / soap

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Foaming


  • Fluid


  • Transparent


  • Surfactant-free

Consumer benefit

  • Cleansing


  • Mexico
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