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The youth architect fluid

This fluid brings firmness and tone to the skin for a refined skin texture with a natural satin appearance thanks to PoreTect™. This oil soluble, eco-designed, active ingredient improves the skin architecture to counteract cutaneous pore enlargement related to ageing and refine the skin grain for a better light-reflecting effect. ViscOptima™ SE provides a silky texture while Crodamol™ GTEH helps improve spreadability adding in an exceptionally light silicone-like after-feel. White lily flower extracts from Phytofleur™ Lily add a touch of purity and gentleness to this fluid. Contributing to a sustainable planet, this serum is manufactured using a cold process. This silky fluid is both a perfect skin care for a harmonious younger appearance and an excellent make-up base.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Silky


  • Fluid


  • Opaque


  • China approved (IECIC)
  • Cold process
  • Mineral oil / petrochemical-free
  • Silicone-free

Consumer benefit

  • Pores


  • France
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