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Tofu Cream

The Tofu Cream is formulated using liquid crystal emulsifier Arlacel™ 2121 and high shear thinning rheology modifier Volarest™ FL, emulating the bouncy, melting texture upon application. The liquid crystal structure from Arlacel 2121 ensures light and hydrating sensory, whilst sucrose-based co-emulsifier Crodesta™ 6-IS increases the moisturisation benefits. Coupled with high purity emollients such as Cropure™ Meadowfoam and SR Crodamol™ OO, this tofu cream is all the more natural and pure. Phytexcell™ Oat soothes and calms sensitive skin.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Face / neck care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • N/A

Consumer benefit

  • Fresh
  • Gentle
  • Light


  • China
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