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Cold Process Multicultural Combing Cream

This combing cream is ideal for our multi-cultural community as it leaves behind less residue on the hair and provides a moderate amount of conditioning, making perfect for a wider range of hair types. Viscaress™ HPD gives the formula a lighter feel, and the ability to be cold processed while Mirustyle™ MFP PE helps to maintain style and control frizz. Crodamol™ STS provides shine enhancement, and Crodabond™ CSA seals the cuticle to smooth hair fibres.
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Conditioners - leave on

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Cold process
  • Sulfate-free

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-frizz
  • Conditioning


  • USA
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