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Fresh Anti-Ageing Body Spray

Effective “spray-that-stays” system that delivers a film while has a fresh sensory perception. Also convenient to apply and ideal for all skin types. It combines ArlacelTM LC that is an optimised system for forming cost-effective liquid crystal formulations with unique sensorial properties and VolarestTM FL that is a truly unique polymer providing benefits for both the consumer and formulator because of the excellent shear-thinning and viscosity recovery besides the sensory properties which are non-tacky, light and ease spreading on the skin. CrodamolTM STS exhibits broad compatibility with other cosmetic ingredients and is easily emulsified forming stable emulsions with excellent aesthetics. DuraquenchTM IQ SA increases viscosity and optimises hydration by regulating water loss from the skin at different temperatures and humidities and LEGANCETM provides global anti-ageing benefits to the legs by helping alleviate water retention and adipose compression.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Body care

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Other


  • Opaque


  • Luxury

Consumer benefit

  • Anti-ageing


  • Brazil
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