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Gentle Facial Wash

This gel-form facial wash gently yet effectively cleanses the skin. The mildness of the formulation, due to it being sulfate-free and incorporating mild detergents Crodateric CAB 30 and Crodasinic LS 30, gives it a gentle cleansing property. Hydramazon Passiflora further gives it emollient properties and help reduce the potential irritant effect. NatraGem S140 enables the incorporation of a fragrance into this formulation. The final product is a sulfate-free, paraben-free facial wash which has respect for the environment and maintains proper skin balance.
Formulation details


  • Skin care - Cleanser

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Jelly


  • Gel & jelly


  • Transparent


  • Cold process
  • Sulfate-free

Consumer benefit

  • Cleansing
  • Gentle
  • Mild


  • Singapore
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