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CRODAFOS CES and INCROQUAT Cream Rinse Conditioner

This cream rinse formula features CRODAFOS CES, a remarkably effective and new conditioning and emulsifying system from Croda, together with a cationic conditioner, INCROQUAT BES-35S. By its ability to promote fast release of oils and conditioning agents to the hair and its compatibility with quaternary conditioners, CRODAFOS CES enables this cream rinse to provide enhanced conditioning effects. The increased sheen, silkier, softer feel, and improved texture the hair acquires is the result of the quick delivery of the CRODAMOL esters, CROPURE WHEAT GERM OIL and INCROQUAT BES-35S by CRODAFOS CES. Because CRODAFOS CES also improves its application properties, the product rinses out extremely easily without incidence of drag or a waxy deposit.
Formulation details


  • Hair care - Conditioners - rinse off

Phase type

  • Multiple phase dispersed


  • Creamy


  • Cream


  • Opaque


  • Silicone-free

Consumer benefit

  • Conditioning
  • Detangling


  • USA
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